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The Multiple Benefits of Being Multilingual for Children

Do you know that M. Akram is the World’s Youngest Multilingual Typist and knows 400 languages at the mere age of 13! Likewise, Kiran Karthikeya (2 years) and Shivanshika Harish Raghuwanshi (3 years) are two of the youngest polyglots of India!

That indeed sounds fascinating, isn’t it! But if you look at the history of the world, there have been many such famous personalities who were polyglots. Queen Elizabeth I, for instance, used to speak five languages by the age of 11. Queen Cleopatra VII, too, could speak nine languages at a very young age!

And now, while appreciating the laurels of these kids and famous personalities, we would like to ask you a question here – What are your thoughts about making your kids multilingual?

Not many know that the benefits of being multilingual extend far beyond merely knowing the languages. Children proficient in multiple languages experience better social skills, cognitive abilities, intellectual skills, and much more. No denying, knowledge of multiple languages is the need of the hour, for it comes with a range of advantages, especially for children. So, in this article today, we, at Chanderbala Modi Academy, one of the leading schools in Bharuch, will be shedding light on the various benefits that children who learn multiple languages experience.

  • Better cognitive skills

Speaking more than one language works as an exercise for the brain, and the more it works out, the more it grows!

  • Stepladder to the world stage

There is no denying that the globe has shrunk compared to what it was a decade back. With globalization spreading its arms and MNC’s entering the economy, it is almost a mandatory requirement for aspiring candidates to be multilingual if they look forward to landing better work opportunities abroad.

  • Brings in better opportunities at work

We certainly want our kids to find great work opportunities once they move beyond the horizon of our school. This is where being multilingual will come to their aid. That’s because it has been often seen in the case of international employers that if the language between the employer and the employee is common, hassles at work get reduced manifolds. Besides, such employees also get the upper hand in opportunities like foreign work trips and summits.

  • Keeps the kids connected with their roots

Our land is a land of diverse cultures. And who wouldn’t want their kids to understand and praise this diversity! However, this could be made possible only when children possess sundry sightedness about this diversity, which could be further gained with the help of diverse languages. Besides being aware of our own culture, kids will also be able to acknowledge, understand, and appreciate the different cultures of the world.

  • Enhances memory retention

Studies have revealed that children who are multilingual are better at putting their knowledge to use without overloading their memory or taking any unnecessary stress.

  • Better social skills

Multilingual children are often more confident about themselves, and this confidence also reflects in their strong ability to connect and socialize with others. These kids grow up into open-minded individuals with great communication abilities.

Infinite studies and popular books such as The Bilingual Edge (King & Mackey, 2009), and magazine articles such as The Power of the Multilingual Brain (Time Magazine; Kluger 2013) in the field of child development are a few among the many written proofs that reveal vast benefits a child can reap if she/he is multilingual. It would be hence wise to help your kids explore their interest in learning various languages.

Ideally, the earlier they begin, the better they will be able to grasp the language. That’s because the human brain has the maximum grasping power during the early years. Hence, we, at Chanderbala Modi Academy, ranked among the best schools in Bharuch, would like to urge the respected parents of our pupils to step ahead and encourage your wards to make good use of their learning age and learn as much as possible. Trust us, by doing this, you would be equipping them better for their future!

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