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Assesment System

For Classes Nursery to II -Maple Bear Assessment System

In Maple Bear a continuous assessment takes place. Teachers assess progress, by the student’s ability to use and demonstrate their knowledge and skills in real life situations. This is a much higher level of achievement than simply memorizing and repeating specific knowledge.

The child’s progress in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Environmental Science, Hindi Language and Physical Development and Personal Awareness are the relevant areas of study, where he is assessed time to time, keeping in mind the child’s stage of learning. He is further motivated and guided to achieve higher learning levels to meet the desired goal.

Parents receive the child’s ladder of achievement in the form of Report Card, twice a year,after the child’s Summative Assessment. The Rubrics are given after every Unit, to know the child’s stage of learning in the specific area.

For assessment of specific skills, teachers use the following criteria to describe the student’s stage of development:
  • Beginning
  • Progressing
  • Progressing well
  • Excelling

  • Beginning: The student understands the concept but needs more time to learn how to apply it.
  • Progressing: The student can perform the task sometimes or with assistance. More practice is required.
  • Progressing well: The student can often perform the task independently.
  • Excelling: The student can perform the task independently.
  • Follow-up action is taken as per the level of the child to enhance his / her learning outcomes.

For Classes III to XII

(As per CBSE guidelines)
Classes 3 to 5 Classes 6 to 8 Classes 9 to 10 Class 11 Class 12
For more details about Chanderbala Modi Academy feel free to call us directly