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Relaxation Strategies To Help Your Teen Wash Off All That Stress

Why is it Vital for Children to Indulge in Yoga Just as Much as Adults Do

Stress is part and parcel of life. Period. This particularly holds true in the current scenario of cut-throat competition where stress finds its way to seep into life in one form or the other. And the effect can typically be seen on teenagers who already have to deal with so many hormonal changes happening in their body. Add to that the societal pressure they got to deal with, and their life is indeed full of stress. It thus becomes crucial for teenage children to keep a check on their stress levels, or else it could be detrimental for their psychological well-being.

So today, we, at Chanderbala Modi Academy, recognized among the top 10 CBSE schools in Ankleshwar, would like to share with you all a few relaxation techniques that can help your teenage children get rid of all that unnecessary stress. Read on.

Yoga & Meditation

The multiple benefits of practicing yoga and meditation are known to almost everyone today. No wonder, people from across the world have adopted yoga as a part of their everyday routine. It not only has mental benefits but also imparts physical benefits to those who regularly spend at least some time doing yoga and meditation. It helps improve posture, enhances flexibility, and awakes an inner sense of calm.

Deep Breathing Exercises

These exercises work wonders in bringing down the stress levels. It is, in fact, one of the best and the easiest relaxation techniques to be taught to your growing child. Slow and deep breathing helps to get in enough air for the body, relaxes the muscles, lowers the heart rate, and regulates the blood pressure. All this helps to relax and rejuvenate the mind by decreasing the levels of stress hormone cortisol released by the body.

Indulge in Honest Conversations

Sometimes, all that a stressed mind needs is someone to indulge in deep conversations with, someone you can pour your heart out. Hence, sit with your kid and talk to him/her about how’s life treating him/her and if they have any issues or problems that they wish to talk about. Let them speak openly and honestly to you and avoid putting forth any kind of expectations or judgments at that time. Such conversations not only help them feel relieved of the stress but might also help them derive solutions to some of their problems.

Music Therapy

Music has almost always been known to have a soothing effect on the mind. When you listen to some calming music, it helps reduce the level of cortisol in the body and also eases feelings of anger and frustration. Hence, encourage your child to listen to some of his favorite tracks whenever he/she feels stressed out. It will help to lift the mood and kick the stress away.

Mark Black once said, “Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.” That’s so very true! After all, stress reduces the efficiency of the brain and doesn’t allow it to work to its fullest potential. And if there’s anything that enables the brain to wash off the stress and gain back its vigor is surely the relaxation techniques.

Since the teenage years form the most stressful time for children, it becomes rather necessary for them to indulge in certain exercises or relaxation therapies to keep the stress at bay and not let it affect them negatively. Hence, as one of the top 10 CBSE schools in Ankleshwar, we, at Chanderbala Modi Academy, would like to suggest you to encourage your teens to practice yoga, meditation, or some deep breathing exercises on a regular basis or to listen to some good soothing music whenever they feel stressed. Also, make sure that their stressed-out mood doesn’t create a barrier between you and them. Take time out to talk to them as often as you can. Your open, honest, and heart-to-heart conversations with your kids will not only help them get their stress levels in control but will also create a strong bonding that you can cherish for life.

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