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Fun Games to Instill Self-Control in Kids

Self-control is the ability to reign yourself in and think with a clear mind about your decisions. It is a fundamental life lesson that needs to be developed in children from a young age and is vital to enable them to deal with impulses and emergencies efficiently when they grow up. And if teaching something crucial is the aim, what could be a better way out than using games and the play-way method to help children learn and practice self-control! In fact, when games are used to instill self-control in kids, it works as a great way to develop children’s thought processes and decision-making. It is even easier for the parents because kids are more willing to participate when the activities are fun and interactive.

So, on that note, we, at Chanderbala Modi Academy, one of the leading CBSE schools in Kondh, have brought forth today a list of a few such fun and engaging games that you can try playing with your kids at home to imbue self-control in them. We are sure that using these games will help your kids learn the art of self-discipline and self-control in the most natural and effective way.

  • Statues

An easy yet highly fun-filled game, Statues is one of the finest ways to help kids practice self-control. Here, one person has to stand on one side of the room with his/her back facing towards the rest of the players. All the players have to slowly walk or jump towards the person facing the wall, who can anytime turn around and yell “Statue!” All the other kids have to stop moving and stay in the position they were in. The player who moves first is considered to be out.

  • Simon Says

This is a top-rated game that most of us are familiar with. The rules of this game are that one person has to be Simon in the game, who will then have to give out directives to the other players. The catch is that the players have to follow only the message that begins with “Simon Says….” For instance, “Simon Says clap your hands” and “Stomp your feet.” If any child follows the latter, they will be out of the game. This game helps kids to stop and think before following any directives. This, in turn, increases their self-resistance and impulse control.

  • Wait for Five

This game is excellent for developing speech control and discipline in kids, especially children who talk or shout a lot. In this game, you ask your kid a question, and they can only answer after five seconds. You can change the rules by increasing the wait time or making them do an activity before answering.

  • Body Part Mix Up

Here, one child is chosen as the leader who will stand in front of other players and shout out names of body parts. The other players kids have to touch ANY body part other than the one said by the leader. This can be a confusing game in the beginning, but the kids will get the hang of it soon. This game encourages kids to think before they act and not react impulsively. Apart from that, the revision of the body parts lesson is a bonus.

  • Freeze Dance

This one is a game involving physical activities and music. Play a song that your kids are fond of and let them dance away. But when you say “FREEZE!” they have to stop dancing and be as still as possible while the music still plays. Controlling their urge to dance while the music still plays helps them manage their desire to be constantly physically active.

We, at Chanderbala Modi Academy, one of the best CBSE schools in Kondh, believe that self-control is the key to a successful and organized life. When they learn self-discipline, it naturally makes them more compliant, more productive, and as a result, more successful. And as Benjamin Franklin once said, “Educate your children to self-control, to the habit of holding passion and prejudice and evil tendencies subject to an upright and reasoning will, and you have done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes from society.” We, at Chanderbala Modi Academy, believe that only when the kids master the art of self-control, their journey to growing observant and disciplined begins in the truest sense of the term. It is then that they can master absolutely anything!

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