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4 Ways to Rekindle Your Bond With Your Child

Parent-child relationship is indeed one of the sweetest and closest of all relationships you can think about. This is probably because this is one such bond that gets formed way before the baby actually arrives in the world. It is the parents who teach every little thing to the kid and feel immensely proud seeing their little ones achieving the milestones on their growing journey.

Whether it is the time when the child learns to scribble alphabet A or when he goes onto reciting his very first poem, parents feel elated on each feat of their little munchkins. But then gradually, as the kids grow up and enter their teen phase, there comes a time when even this relationship begins to lose its charm. That might be because of the hormonal changes that kids begin to go through during their teen years or due to the expectations that all parents have from their children, but it has been seen that even the parent-child relationship often suffers a rough patch.

However, having said that, it is also true that even if the parent-child relationship goes downhill at some point in time, it can very well be lit again with little efforts and patience. So, on that note, we, at Chanderbala Modi Academy, one of the best schools in Kondh, would like to share with you today a few ways you can rekindle your bonding with your kids.

Convey your love to them

All parents love their kids. But keeping that to yourself isn’t going to help. You need to let your kids know about it. And the more often you do that, the better it works to strengthen your bonding with them. So, whether your kid is eight or eighteen, make it a point to communicate your love to them regularly.

Be available for them

Just as much it is important to convey your love to your children, it is equally crucial to be all ears to them when they want to connect with you. Listen to them carefully, acknowledge their feelings, empathize with them, and reassure them that they have your back always.

Have fun together

Try and identify your child’s interests and actively partake in those activities. For instance, if your child likes to play cricket, do indulge a few hours playing cricket with him over the weekends. Or, if the child is a movie freak, grab some popcorns and other munchies to spend some time off with your kid watching his/her favorite movies. This will not only help to strengthen your bond with your child but will also help ensure your child that he/she can have your undivided attention.

Eat together

There’s a famous saying – “A family that eats together, stays together.” This is so very true; particularly when it comes to building and strengthening bonds with children and other family members. That’s because having meals with family is not only about sharing the same table but also having conversations and sharing experiences, which also goes a long in improving the overall bonding with the kids. However, an important thing to keep in mind in this regard is to make sure that the meal times are completely gadget-free. Make it a point that all family members have to keep their gadgets aside for meal times. This will help ensure that all members give undivided attention to each other.

At Chanderbala Modi Academy, regarded as the best school in Kondh, we firmly believe that children are like soft clay that can be molded into good or bad shape depending upon the kind of treatment they receive. Thus, even if you find your child misbehaving with you or someone else, don’t scold them straight away. Instead, try to understand why your child is behaving that particular way. When you do that, you will not only begin to understand your child better, but even your connection with your child will improve.

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Email : info@cma1.in
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